Client Success

The last gym you will ever need, seriously.

Meet Sherry

…Before Michael’s death, the couple had started seeing nutritionist Brian Nessel of Nessel’s Nutrition.

After he died, Sherry joined Fit In 30, a fitness studio owned and operated by Sloan[e] Hutson. There she found a community of like-minded people who would push her on a near daily basis.

And she has continued the transformation they started together. To date, she has lost over 100 pounds.

“You try to build yourself a good support system. I have a great work family and my fitness family,” said Sherry, who turns 60 in January. “Physically, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been.”

Sherry currently works out at 6:30 a.m., six days a week. Monday and Wednesday are for cardio, Tuesday and Friday are for arms, Thursday is for legs and Saturday is a barre class.

“Good habits can be hard to start and easy to quit so perseverance is key to a healthy life,” Sherry said. “Sometimes short breaks are inevitable for one reason or another, just don’t give up, it took me over half my life to get where I am now.”

Text from his article is featured in the Battle Creek Enquirer, read the article.

Meet Chris

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A great big thank you to Sloane, Dawn, Courtney, and all my Fit in 30 FAMILY. There really are no words to say how much I appreciate all that this entire group of people have given me. We encourage, support, and laugh with each other every day. Sloane and her staff take the guesswork out of your workout. Where else can you go that makes you sweat and gives you results in just 30-40 minutes per day? This is the only fitness routine I’ve ever stuck with. Before Fit in 30 I was looking for any excuse not to go to the gym. There were always so many. Now I hate to miss a day! Thank you to my FI30 family for giving me the gift of health and fitness.

"Strong is the new Skinny"

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Meet (another) Sherry

I was instantly welcomed into the “Fit in 30” family 7 months ago & it blows my mind that I’ve actually lost 30 lbs & on top of that I’ve gained a lot of muscle tone… Sloane gets me to work muscles I never knew existed & she always has a way to keep us entertained with her dancing when her favorite songs comes on, showing us that working out can actually be FUN! 

My “before picture was taken just a year & a 1/2 ago & those pants have been added to the growing donation pile… now I get to go shopping for a new summer wardrobe 🙂… I am actually looking forward to tanktops, shorts & dare I say, a swimsuit this summer!

I really owe my FI30 family a pat on the back, they are the ones that keep me motivated every morning, I get to work out with my best friend Dawn, who is my sidekick… we are an unstoppable pair, we have such a special friendship, we keep each other focused on our goals & we now have 10+ of the greatest group of ladies in our class that we can honestly call our friends! All of their encouraging words are daily reminders of what a wonderful journey my transformation has & continues to be!

Thank you Nancy & Karla, you both can really get me to give it my all… Courtney & Dawn B. you guys Rock, along with everyone else! 

I have to give a big THANKS to my cousin Teri, if it weren’t for her letting Dawn & I drill her with questions about FI30 & then getting us signed up for a “Launch to Fitness” class for beginners, I’d most likely still be carrying around that 30 lbs (or probably more)! 

I’ve never told myself that I was on a “diet” (I would surely fail if I did), I’ve only said I’m trying to make better choices on what & how much to eat… no more ‘seconds’ at dinner & I’ve cut out soda completely (I thought that could never happen)! Thankfully I have the support of my husband (who has lost over 100 lbs), he does the majority of the cooking & does wonders on making these healthier meals taste awesome!

I’m finally starting to feel like Sloane’s motto “Strong is the new Skinny”

Meet Leslie

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Friends: Don’t be like me and wait so long to join this amazing group!

Funny memes and all, this place is amazing because:

1) The awesome owner Sloane and the coaches (Teri, Dawn, Courtney, Kathy, Jen, and Stacy) that support you, push you to strive for a healthier life. You won’t always like them but you will love them.

2) The amazing women and workout buddies you will meet and make. Your first accountability is to yourself but they are there to make you more accountable especially on the days you think to yourself “I don’t want to go” but know you will get the questions on why you weren’t there. Not everyone needs that accountability but I do and I’m thankful for it.

It is scarier to think about than to actually do it. Do it for yourself. Make the time. Commit. Reach out to Sloane Hutson at Fit in 30 Studio Battle Creek to get started!

The challenge is a good way to get motivated. $$$ and a healthier you. I was closing the gap on 300lbs, yes 300. I had already lost 50 by the time I joined by I was so, SO out of shape. I’ve lost 70lbs and went from a size 20 to a size 12/14. I am healthier and WAY stronger physically and mentally because of this place. Make this your addiction.

Meet Leah

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When I say that Fit in 30 changed my life, I think people wonder if I am being serious. I am…being serious. I joined on a trial basis on December 28th, 2016. I walked into the class, wondering what in the world I had gotten myself into. I never cared for group exercise classes, and then, at my heaviest, 204.1, I was walking into a class completely insecure. I stuck it out the first week, still not sure the group exercise thing was for me- but then I started getting to know the ladies in the classes, which made it easy to want to come back, two weeks in I had signed up for a full year. Looking forward 2 years, I have lost almost 50 lbs, increased my endurance, and developed amazing friendships with the women from Fit in 30; which I refer to as my tribe. Most importantly, I fell back in love with myself, which makes me a better mom, wife, and friend. Sloane asked me what I wanted out of joining Fit in 30 that first week in 2016, I told her “to lose weight”…the easy thing…well, I have done that with Sloane’s workouts, motivation, and contagious spirit, now one may ask why do I stay…I say, because I deserve it.

I deserve to love myself, I deserve to feel amazing, I deserve to be around a group of women that motivate, inspire, and cultivate one another. Thank you Fit in 30!

Meet Tina

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I joined Fit in 30 three years ago and it has changed my life. Most importantly I’m healthier and stronger than I’ve been in years. I am more confident and have done things I never thought I would do. Sloane, Dawn and Courtney are awesome instructors. They take whatever time you need to help you through your workout. Sloane is always looking for something new to encourage us and push us to the next level. I have met so many wonderful people that are now my friends and we all help and encourage each other.

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